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Personal Information & Protection Policy.


Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our donors, sponsors and volunteers.  We manage your personal information in accordance with the Newfoundland & Labrador Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA).  This act outlines the principles and practices we follow in protecting your personal information.

This act applies to the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation and to any person providing information on our behalf.  A copy of ATIPPA can be found here: SNL2015 CHAPTER A-1.2 - ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT, 2015 (assembly.nl.ca) and is provided to any donor/sponsor/volunteer upon request.

What is personal information?

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual.  This includes an individual’s name, home address and phone number, age, sex, marital or family status, financial information, education history, etc.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect only the personal information that we need for the purposes of fundraising activities in support of local healthcare initiatives on the Burin Peninsula, including personal information specifically related to donor/sponsor/volunteer name, mailing address, telephone number, email address and amount donated.  The information collected will be used for the purposes of:

  • Contacting our donors and sponsors
  • Receiving/processing donations from our donors and sponsors
  • Contacting our volunteers

We normally collect personal information directly from our donors, sponsors and volunteers.  We may collect your information from other persons with your consent, or as authorized by law.

We inform our donors, sponsors and volunteers, before or at the time of collecting personal information, of the purposes for which we are collecting the information.  For example, information is collected and maintained when donors/sponsors/volunteers participate, contribute and/or donate to our annual fundraising events, including, but not limited to our: Radiothon, Golf FORE Healthcare Tournament, Tree of Life & Memories, BP Trails Challenge, Hike Da Boot & Around Da Loop Challenge.  


We ask for consent to collect, use, or disclose donor/sponsor/volunteer information, except in specific circumstances where collection, use or disclosure without consent is authorized or required by law.  We may assume your consent in cases when you volunteer, participate and/or donate to a fundraising event, and we may collect your information to inform you of upcoming fundraisers and events within our organization.

We assume your consent to continue to use and, where applicable, disclose personal information that we have already collected, for the purpose for which the information was collected.

We ask for your express consent for some purposes and may not be able to provide certain services if you are unwilling to provide consent to the collection, use or disclosure of certain personal information.  Where express consent is needed, we normally ask donors/sponsors/volunteers to provide their consent orally (in person, or by telephone), or in writing (by signing a consent form).

A donor/sponsor/volunteer may withdraw consent to the use and disclosure of personal information at any time, unless the personal information is necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligations.  We will respect your decision, but we may not be able to provide you with certain services if we do not have the necessary personal information.  To withdraw your consent to the use of personal information, or to correct your personal information, please contact our office at (709) 891-3456, or email [email protected].  

How do we use and disclose personal information?

We use and disclose donor/sponsor/volunteer personal information only for the purpose for which the information was collected, except as authorized by law.  For example, we may use donor/sponsor/volunteer contact information during mass mail outs for multiple events and fundraisers, annually.

What information do we provide for employment/volunteer references?

In some cases, after your employment or volunteer relations with us ends, we will be contacted by other organizations and asked to provide a reference for you.  It is our policy not to disclose personal information about our employees and volunteers to other organizations who request references without consent.  The personal information we normally provide in reference with consent includes:

  • Confirmation that an individual was an employee or volunteers, including the position, and date range of the employment or volunteering.
  • General information about an individual’s job duties and information about the employee or volunteer’s ability to perform job duties and success in the employment or volunteer relationship.

How do we safeguard personal information?

We make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete.  We rely on individuals to notify us if there is a change to their personal information that may affect their relationship with our organization.  If your personal information has changed or you are aware of an error in our information about you, please contact us at (709) 891-3456 or [email protected] and we will correct it upon request whenever possible.  In some cases, we may ask for a written request for correction.

We protect personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the information.  We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information.  All records are maintained in electronic format on a shared drive, with access limited to only the staff of the organization who require access to satisfy the purpose for which the personal information was collected.

We use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.

We retain personal information only as long as reasonable to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected or for legal or business purposes.  See section 64, Protection of Personal Information, of ATIPPA.

Access to records containing personal information

Individuals have a right to access their own personal information in a record that is in the custody or under the control of the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation, subject to some exceptions.  For example, organizations are required under ATIPPA to refuse to provide access to information that would reveal personal information about another individual.

If we refuse a request in whole or in part, we will provide the reasons for the refusal.  In some cases where exceptions to access apply, we may withhold that information and provide you with the remainder of the record.

You may make a request for access to your personal information by contacting our Executive Director, Vanessa Jackman, at (709) 891-3456, emailing [email protected], or mailing PO Box 340, Burin, NL A0E 1E0.  You must provide sufficient information in your request to allow us to identify the information you are seeking.

You may also request information about our use of your personal information and any disclosure of that information to persons outside our organization.  In addition, you may request a correction of an error or omission in your personal information.

Questions and complaints

If you have a question or concerns about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation, or about a request for access to your own personal information, please contact Vanessa Jackman, Executive Director of the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation.

Vanessa Jackman, Executive Director

Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation

PO Box 340, Burin, NL A0E 1E0

Telephone: (709) 891-3456

Email: [email protected]